About two years back, on April 15th 2017, a new litter of Alaskan Malamute puppies were born. I was still grieving over the loss of our two dogs, Jose Quarvio and Sassy Lita. They were Chiwawas and as such, small dogs. In fact, every dog I have ever owned has been relatively small in stature. That is until now. I have always wanted a Malamute but for one reason or another, it never happened. Well, my daughter Tori knew this and located a breeder in GreenCastle, Indiana. She still had three puppies left from the litter so we went to check them out. And that is when I first seen Barnabas. A week later he was living here with us and an amazing friendship had begun.
What started out as an 8 week old 24 pound puppy has transformed into a 2 year old 150 pound baby werwolf cub. Barnabas has giant genetics and is a bit larger than the average Malamute. But he is a gentle giant. His name comes from a gothic television program I watched as a child. Dark Shadows use to scare the crap out of me, and the vampire villain was Barnabas Collins. My dogs name is LeMond’s Barnabas of CollinWood.