E-mail. jefflemond@gmail.com
This website and the original music it contains were created by Jeff LeMond.
Any YouTube, Vimeo, or other links and associated content, belong to their respective copyright holders.
This website is a proof of concept and is intended for entertainment purposes only. So lighten the f**k up!
AssClowns and douchebags may contact the complaint hotline 24/7 at 1- 800 eat-shit or 1-800 867-5309
You can Contact Us…
Raise the banner for the Pirates!
Class Of 1979
I did not write this one however, I did play it proudly a few times in band.
My goal here was to bring together several aspects of my life and the things in my life that bring a smile to my face. - And sometimes, make me think about life and how precious that life is. Every day I wake up and get out of bed, I praise GOD for putting me in the game. As I grow older, I am becoming more and more appreciative of all the little things that make up a life. I hope you have enjoyed this website as much as I have loved putting it together. Please do not take anything you might have seen here personally or too seriously. It is just a website built by a guy who has no real idea what he is doing half the time.
…in closing,