Here is the story, behind the song.

So, have you ever wondered how a song comes to life. I can tell you, its not always the same story for me. Sometimes an event or a situation can get things rolling, while other times it can be something as simple as the instrument you are playing.  I have been motivated to write a song just because I was playing a new keyboard. That sounds strange, but it is true. 

One of the best songs I have written would have to be (Bring back the Love!) The story behind it is unbelievable.  So; I was living in Medowbrook at the time, back in 1995. Sometime in February or early March, I can’t remember exactly. Anyway, I had a makeshift practice room/weightlifting room in my basement. Which was also a laundry room.  I went down there to work on some music for the band I was in at the time and within the first 10 minutes I had the basic song on paper. I played around with it for a few minutes and was amazed by what I had. 

Sometimes we can come up with an idea and we think; (yeah, this is awesome) …only to realize later on that it was not really that good.  I had to get another opinion before I lost interest so I called my nephew Ryan and had him come over to check it out. He was as excited about it as I was so that told me I had something here. I recorded the song at Studio D in Summitville, Indiana with Daryl Powell as the mix engineer and my band at the time WANTED.  We did it in one evening and mixed it the following day. It took longer to record this song than it did to write it.  The thing literally wrote itself.  I can honestly call this an award winning song as it got a Silver Eagle Award from the Songwriters Association of America in 1997.  It was always one of my Mom’s favorites so that is what makes it special to me.  No question at all, GOD had a hand in this excursion into songwriting for sure! 

The  Country  Music  Association  of  Indiana   - 1996

The Country Music Association of Indiana - 1996