My new iPad

 My new iPad Pro

Last week I got myself a brand new 2020 Apple iPad Pro, the 12.9 inch big boy version with all the bells and whistle ‘s. It’s maxed out with 1 TB of memory. I have been spending a great deal of time over the last few days familiarizing myself with its basic operation. I have also installed a significant number of applications that I might find useful. Although iPad is primarily considered by many to be a consumer product, I am also going to try and use it as a productivity device much in the same way I use my computer. We’ll see how that works out.

I plan on purchasing an Apple Pencil and a magic keyboard case in the next few weeks in route to turn this iPad into a true workhorse.

I have already installed the square space webpage editing tool and used it successfully to do some work on my website@ and I have been using the iPad to do my journal entries in day one for the last week.

So far, I have installed over 90 apps on this device. I will include a comprehensive list of those apps below. This is turning out to be a fun project. What is truly amazing about this whole experience is, when I was in sixth grade my dad bought me a calculator. At the time that calculator cost $75 and was very basic. A year later, he bought me a typewriter and I thought I was Mr. high tech. Hell, at the time I was Mr. high tech.

Who knew that someday we would all be walking around with super computers in our pocket. Not only that, but we would mostly use those super computers to take pictures and videos of people doing stupid shit. It is truly mind-boggling.

And there you have it folks. According to my iPad systems analytics, there are 96 applications currently residing on this device. I’m sure there will be more to come as time marches on and I do more research.

You have probably noticed there are no games on this iPad. And you’re probably thinking to yourself, that’s kind of crazy. Well, the fact of the matter is, I don’t really play games all that much. I’m not against games, just not all that interested in them. However, there are some wonderful games for the iPad.


A message to Nancy


Thought of the day