Cure Hunger

It is a lofty goal for sure, but we must try.  I guess you might say its a never ending battle.  Trying to fight hunger in our society. A few years back, we had a food pantry at our Church. It was hard work but such a blessing, not only for those we helped, but for us as well.  Over 15 years we provided assistance to over 30,000 families in our local community.  

Eventually, the pantry closed down due to circumstances way beyond our control, but the memories of that time still live on. I strongly urge you to consider volunteering at a local food bank or perhaps donating food or money if you can. 

Here is a radio interview I found from back when we were running the pantry. And a short phone call that says it all. Why we do what we do...


Knowing is half the battle.


Music I listen to: