i was thinking

Many years ago, way back in 1978; I got myself a crossbow. It was a Barnett WildCat with a 150 pound draw weight. Back in those days, it was considered to be state of the art as far as crossbows go. So, this thing didn’t use arrows as one might launch from a compound bow. Rather, it used crossbow bolts. These are a shortened solid shafted arrow without the tail feathers and the knock. So, the crossbow was basically invented out of necessity as a weapon of war back in the 14th century. Its effective lethal range is much greater than the bow & arrow. Anyway, I liked it because it could shoot an arrow through a car. Through one door and out the other like a rifle bullet. I eventually traded my crossbow along with my Mossberg 410 gauge shotgun for a Browning P-35 Hi Power 9 mm pistol. As I remember it, the crossbow cost around $350.00 back then. Anyway, lately I have been thinking of getting back into the crossbow world, so I have been doing some research. Things sure have changed since the days of the WildCat. But I believe I have found the one to get me properly back in the game.


be informed


the strain