Take it, or break it.

I had a thought as I was watching news reports of how the U S armed forces were withdrawing from Afghanistan,  and how they were leaving significant military hardware behind for the Taliban to use against its enemies.  This is not the first time we have done crazy shit that ends up coming back to bite our collective asses.    I guess the corrupt generals figure its an opportunity for them, and their friends in the military industrial complex to make a few more bucks on new contracts. 

Admittedly, I am no brain scientist or rocket surgeon; but the thought occurs to me that if we are leaving, we should take all our stuff with us. And if we can’t take everything for whatever reason, we should destroy the things we leave behind so as not to allow the bad guys from using our stuff to do bad things to good people.  I like to call it (Take it or break it) and I am wondering if a simple guy like me can come up with this, why can’t some of those crooked ass politicians in Washington D C figure it out. 

The democrats want to take your guns and at the same time, their leader just gave thousands of full auto M-16 rifles and a shitload of ammunition to the Taliban. Along with hundreds of military aircraft, HUMMRS, trucks, earth moving equipment, and several years supply of food. 

I wonder how long it will be before some Taliban find there way to our southern border and smuggle in a few of our own weapons to use on us.  I pray this never happens but it is now a real possibility. 

Some of you (fact checkers) should do a little research to see how much military hardware the soviets left behind when they vacated Afghanistan. Something tells me we have them beat by a country mile. 

And lastly: Isn’t handing all this stuff to the Taliban the same as giving aid and comfort to the enemy?  AKA, treason. 


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