
Have you ever noticed how on any given Wednesday evening through Friday morning, the entire west side of Anderson smells like shit?  This has been going on for quite some time, and as a homeowner here in Lower Anderson, I have a great deal of concern on this issue.  Sometimes it is so offensive to the olfactory system, you don’t dare leave your windows open or even think about having a family cookout on the afore mentioned days. And if you run an air conditioner, it just pulls the offensive oder into the house. 

Someone told me the city had to start doing some different things to treat raw sewage because the original system was never designed to handle the current LOAD.  Pun intended.   If that is true, how did they do things back in the 1970”s when Anderson had a population of over 80,000. 

The city should take some of the money they are NOT spending on landscape maintenance of city properties throughout town, and use that cash to fix the shitty sewage treatment plant.  


Us and Them


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