Indiana gets Constitutional Carry!
Here is why I believe this is very important and very good for the residents of Indiana. The Bill Of Rights in the United States Constitution has a prevision called (The Second Amendment) and there it says we the people have the right to keep and bare arms. And that right Shall Not Be Infringed upon. For several decades now, the state of Indiana has been charging it’s citizens a substantial fee to exercise a constitutional right. This is a close kin to extortion. Furthermore, in order to obtain the states permission to carry a concealed weapon for self defense, one is required to fill out an application for said permit. These applications become property of the state, and constitute a data base. That database is accessible by anyone who wants to look at it. Meaning, any information you put on your application for a gun license is there for all to see. Sevrel years ago, when Debbie Knox worked for WISH TV channel 8, she did an expose on prominent people in Marion County who had a license to carry a handgun in Indiana. They posted the info on their website. THIS, my friends is a gross invasion of privacy. In other states where this has been done (Constitutional Carry) the overall number of people who legally carry a firearm stays nearly the same as it was before. Violent crime decreases by a few percentage points. It turns out, bad guys carry guns regardless what the law says. Who knew? The idea here is, we can level the playing field by allowing good guys to protect themselves as they see a need to do so. NOT revisiting the old west as some liberals would have you think. We want law and order! We also want freedom and liberty. These concepts need not be mutually exclusive. Join - NRA