Here’s a thought
So, I was thinking about how so called (weather scientists) would have us believe they can use complex computer modeling to accurately predict what the weather in Australia will be like in 50 years, and this got me to wondering why they don’t use computer modeling to predict the viability and safety of an antivirus vaccine rather than use human stem cell lines procured from aborted babies?
And by the way, no one has ever explained to me why if Barak Obama truly believes in global warming, and rising water levels in the Earth’s oceans, Why on Earth did he spend $14,000,000 on a summer home on Martha’s Vineyard?
Admittedly, I am no brain scientist or rocket surgeon, but something tells me we are being played.
Next thing you know, they will try to convince us that its better for the environment to buy oil from OPEC and have it shipped across the Atlantic ocean in gas guzzling oil tankers, rather than produce our own oil domestically.
Thank GOD we are not that crazy!!